Created a bespoke integrated process for a 60+ person client/agency integrated team…


We complicate things.


Here’s a striped down process for creating integrated communication.

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Many agencies don’t have #1 and #2 nailed. 

Many clients don’t do #5 and #7 in a timely and organized fashion, or at all. 

Many projects get mired in #4 and #5. 


Our client asked, where do we drop the ball?


We answered:

Here’s how we can all do better.

  1. Transparency of decision-making

  2. All-agency results/learning audit and share outs

  3. Optimized client-input brief that pushed decision-making further upstream in the process

  4. New target connections tool that maps media to consumer journey and links tactics to an agreed to list of metrics

  5. A plan-on-a-page activation framework to show what happens when across the calendar per drive period


Planner Deliverable

Consumer-centric and objective-driven work that energizes our target as they move through their decision-making and on-premise journey.


The Work

Life’s too short for another meh meal…

so go Out to ‘ITA at Chiles!

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